They'll perhaps be drawn to religion, and almost surely to philosophy. They will chase it through education in the broadest sense - learning together, and talking about what they've learned, whether it's through books classes or other sources. They will pursue it down cross cultural roads, taking pieces of the puzzle from various different nations and mythologies. The actual nature of that something is elusive, but what it boils down to is a meaningful life. together they are endlessly seeking something.

Ultimately, the feeling for this couple with their composite Sun in Sagittarius is one of being on a quest. They need to magnetize extremity into the life they share. Together these two need freshness and wonder. Boredom can kill it faster than any other toxin.

Should life become too prosaic and predictable, something vital seeps out of this relationship. For the relationship to feel fully alive, they need to pack in the experience of 10 lifetimes. Regardless of their natures as individuals, there is something in the chemistry they share that attracts life's wild side. With their composite Sun in this sign these two people have signed up for a roller coaster ride. There is no sign in the zodiac so orientated to sheer intensity of sensory experience as Sagittarius.